According to the Union of Oil Products Importers, in April 2024, the import of oil bitumen amounted to 14.9 thousand tons that is 9.4 thousand tons or 170.9 more than in the same period of 2023 (5.5 thousand tons).

In April the largest volume of oil bitumen import was carried out from Iraq - 10.2 thousand tons that is 68.5% of the total imports followed by Russia - 4.1 thousand tons (27.5%); Turkmenistan - 0.3 thousand tons (2%); Turkey - 0.2 thousand tons (1.3%); Azerbaijan - 0.1 thousand tons (0.7%);

Liquefied gas imports (LPG) amounted to 11.01 thousand tons that is 8.13 thousand tons or 282.3% more compared to the same period of last year (2.88 thousand tons).

99.6% (10.97 thousand tons) of liquefied gas (LPG) import this April was carried out from the Russian Federation.