Tech giant Baidu has confirmed the launch of its sixth-generation self-driving taxi in China.

And at the same time, it has revealed that its Apollo Go robotaxi arm is close to breaking even and likely to turn a profit in 2025. This would make it the world’s first profitable autonomous ride-hailing platform.

The launch of the RT6 was announced at the company’s Apollo Day, held in Wuhan, in Hubei province.

The vehicle, which is made by strategic partner Jiangling Motors, was first unveiled in 2022 but is now finally ready to be put into service. Around 1,000 are expected to be deployed in Wuhan alone by the end of 2024.

The all-electric model measures 15.7 feet long – very similar to a Tesla Model 3 – and comes with a spacious cabin for four passengers. 

Arguably the most significant element of the RT6, though, is the cost. According to Baidu, the price is around 200,000 yuan – which broadly equates to $27,700.