The election administration has completed work on the unified list of voters - the total number of voters for the October 26 elections is 3,508,294. 3,113,747 voters will take part in the elections using electronic technologies, CEC Spokesperson Natia Ioseliani said at the briefing.

According to her, this year, for the first time, 135,922 young people have the opportunity to participate in the elections.

"64,238 voters applied to the election administration with a request for a transfer box. The number of voters in special lists of election precincts created in other states is 95,910.

In total, 3,111 polling stations will serve the voters. 3,044 districts have been opened in Georgia, including 13 districts created in exceptional cases, of which 12 are in penitentiary institutions and 1 is in a mental health center. As for the precincts created abroad - 67 election precincts have been created in 53 cities of 42 countries.

From the announcement of the elections to the present day, the voters checked the data in the unified voter list on the CEC website and mobile application 1,311,773 times, and 29,277 times through quick payment machines.

After the election administration received the lists from all relevant agencies, the said data was processed and their division was carried out according to electoral districts and precincts. Currently, the unified updated list of voters is available to everyone on the official website of the CEC.

It is also important to note that the public information version of voter lists is available to registered parties and monitoring organizations defined by the election legislation. Voters can get acquainted with the public version of the list directly at the polling stations.During the election year, 4 parties and 2 non-governmental organizations requested the unified list of voters from the election administration at different times, which confirms that the availability of the list of voters for the purpose of its verification was in accordance with the legislation and international standards.

As is known to the public, the formation of a unified list of voters is carried out on the basis of information provided by various agencies. We would like to thank all administrative bodies for their close cooperation and coordination in this process. Also, we thank the voters for their activity. for verifying data and contributing to the process of perfecting the lists. "Elections are a common affair," the statement said.