We and many other countries have not only expressed our deep concern about it, but we have taken steps to express that concern. I think it is expected that you will see more about this, - the US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, said regarding the law on "transparency of foreign influence" in Georgia while talking about US foreign policy at the Brookings Institute.

"We and many other countries have not only expressed our deep concerns about it, but we have taken action to express those concerns. I think you can expect to see more of this. I think this clearly contradicts the European direction that Georgia wants and that the majority of the Georgian people clearly wants," said Anthony Blinken.

In response to the adoption of the "Foreign Influence Transparency" law by the Parliament of Georgia, the US State Department announced the first tranche of visa restrictions, which includes members of "Georgian Dream", members of parliament, law enforcement and private individuals. According to US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller, the restrictions will also apply to their family members. In addition, the spokesperson of the State Department noted that the first tranche of visa restrictions covers 24 to 36 persons.