Bank of Georgia Group (BGEO LN) shares closed at GBP 37.90/share (+0.26% w/w and -5.37% m/m). More than 134k shares traded in the range of GBP 37.10 - 38.45/share. Average daily traded volume was 32k in the last 4 weeks. The volume of BGEO shares traded was at 0.29% of its capitalization.

TBC Bank Group (TBCG LN) closed the week at GBP 29.10/share (+4.49% w/w and +4.86% m/m). More than 122k shares changed hands in the range of GBP 27.60 - 29.40/share. Average daily traded volume was 27k in the last 4 weeks. The volume of TBCG shares traded was at 0.22% of its capitalization.

Georgia Capital (CGEO LN) shares closed at GBP 11.30/share (+5.41% w/w and +10.35% m/m). More than 525k shares traded in the range of GBP 10.70 - 11.50/share. Average daily traded volume was 73k in the last 4 weeks. The volume of CGEO shares traded was at 1.20% of its capitalization.