The social network X, formerly known as Twitter, has made audio and video calling available to the public. Some users of the platform received a notification when opening the application: “Audio and video calls are already here!”, it says The edge.

A new option “Enable audio and video calls” has appeared in the application settings – the statement says that this is possible Enable this feature and then select who you would like to use it with.”. There is a choice of who has the opportunity to contact the user: people from the contact list, those to whom he is subscribed, verified users or representatives of all three categories. You can make a call through the “Personal Messages” section by opening a correspondence with one of the users. An icon with an image of a phone will appear in the upper right corner of the screen. By touching you can choose between voice and video communication.

The platform administration did not make any official announcements about the new feature, although it did publish a mysterious message shortly before its debut NewsAre you ready for this?”. Elon Musk, the owner of the social network He recently clarified that the feature will be available on Android, iOS, Windows and macOS no phone number required”. And it is not yet clear whether this opportunity will be open to users without a premium subscription – the administration of X has not yet issued a statement.