In 2024, rail transported 13.7 million tons of freight, which is 0.9 percent more than the respective figure of the previous year. 10.4 percent of the total freight was transported domestically, 30.2 percent was transported internationally (excluding transit), and 59.4 percent was transit.

In 2024, the share of incoming freight represented 74.4 percent of the railway-transported freights, while the share of outgoing freight was 25.6 percent.

In 2024, the sender country of 42.1 percent of total incoming rail freight was Russian Federation, 27.1 percent was sent by Azerbaijan. The share of other countries sending cargo was less than ten percent each (30.8 percent combined). In 2024, Russian Federation was the final destination for 10.2 percent of total outgoing freight, for 10.1 percent it was Kazakhstan, and for 8.1 percent – Armenia. The share of other individual receiving countries was relatively small (71.6 percent combined). The breakdown of the total transit freight2 by the final destination country was as follows: the Netherlands – 16.1 percent, Turkey – 8.2 percent, China – 5.1 percent, USA – 3.0 percent, Italy – 3.0 percent, Romania – 3.0 percent, Ukraine – 2.7 percent and elsewhere was for the rest. In the same period, Brazil was the sender country of 5.9 percent of the total transit freight, Ukraine sent 2.1 percent, Turkey – 1.5 percent, Greece – 1.3 percent, and other countries sent the rest. In the reporting period, 39.0 percent of the total freight were coke and refined petroleum products, 20.4 percent were chemicals, chemical products, and man-made fibers; rubber and plastic products, and 15.7 percent were metal ores and other mining and quarrying products.

The distribution by type of goods was different in case of freights transported domestically in 2024, as the share of metal ores and other mining and quarrying products equaled 61.8 percent of total, and the share of coke and refined petroleum products amounted to 15.4 percent; while the share of other non-metallic mineral products amounted to 10.0 percent.

As for the freights transported internationally, in the reporting period, incoming goods were mainly coke and refined petroleum products (47.0 percent), other nonmetallic mineral products (17.8 percent), metal ores and other mining and quarrying products (11.7 percent), basic metals (7.5 percent), Products of agriculture, hunting, and forestry (2.8 percent) and food products, beverages and tobacco (2.7 percent); while outgoing goods were mainly chemicals, chemical products, and man-made fibers (42.1 percent), food products, beverages and tobacco (26.0 percent), metal ores and other mining and quarrying products (12.2 percent) and basic metals (10.9 percent).

In 2024, three type of goods, namely coke and refined petroleum products (44.9 percent), chemicals, chemical products, and man-made fibers (27.6 percent), and food products, beverages and tobacco (9.8 percent) constituted for 82.3 percent of the total volume of transit freight .