The Parliamentary Committee on Legal Issues will consider the draft Foreign Agents Registration Act at the March 3 session. The discussion will be held in the first reading.

According to the initiators of the bill, they have submitted a direct, word-for-word translation of the FARA in force in the USA.

When initiating the bill, the Legal Department of the Parliament confirmed that the Georgian translation contains legal and substantive inaccuracies and that the state bodies and officials envisaged by the project are incompatible with the Georgian reality.

The draft law mainly regulates the following issues:

. Definitions of the concepts of an agent of a foreign principal and a foreign power;

. The issue of registering a subject as an agent of a foreign principal;

. The issue of ensuring the publicity of the application for registration as an agent of a foreign principal and other relevant documents;

. The issue of submitting an annual financial declaration by a subject registered as an agent of a foreign principal;

. The issue of canceling the registration of a subject registered as an agent of a foreign principal;

. The issue of conducting monitoring to identify an agent of a foreign principal or to verify compliance with the requirements specified in the draft law;

. The issue of imposing criminal liability for evading registration as an agent of a foreign principal or failing to comply with the relevant requirements specified in the draft law.

The initiators of the Foreign Agents Registration Act are the MPs of Georgian Dream and People's Power.