The expenditures during the visits made in II quarter of 2023 equaled to 3.4 billion GEL, which is 49.1 percent higher compared to the data from the same period of previous year. Average expenditure on the visit decreased by 6.1 percent compared to II quarter of 2022 and amounted to 2 292.0 GEL.

In II quarter of 2023, the purpose of the majority of visits (51.5 percent) was holiday, leisure and recreation.

In II quarter of 2023 the average number of nights spent during the visits equaled to 4.8 nights, which is 22.3 percent lower than the figure indicated in II quarter of 2022 (6.2 nights). 73.9 percent of visits was repeating visit. The chart below shows the distribution of visits by the level of satisfaction in II quarter of 2023.