In 2023, 16191 ships entered the ports and terminals of Georgia. 34.5 percent of those ships were general cargo carriers, 29.3 percent were liquid bulk, 27.2 percent – container ships, and the rest of 9.0 percent were distributed among dry bulk carriers, tugs, passenger and specialized ships. In 2023, compared to the previous year, the ports and terminals of Georgia received 47.7 percent more container ships, 37.9 percent less - liquid bulk, 9.4 percent less - general cargo carriers, 5.7 percent less – specialized, and 3.1 percent less - dry bulk.

In 2023, 17.6 percent of the ships arriving at the ports and terminals of Georgia sailed under the flag of Turkey, 15.6 percent - under the flag of Panama, 14.6 percent - under the flag of Liberia, 9.1 percent sailed under the flag of Malta, 4.6 percent - under the flag of Russian Federation, 4.4 percent - under the flag of Bulgaria, and the rest 34.1 percent were distributed among other countries.

In 2023, Georgian seaports served 11.1 thousand passengers, which is 45.0 percent more than the corresponding figure of the previous year. Note, the share of passengers entered was slightly higher than the share of passengers departed and stood at 50.8 percent.

In 2023, ports and terminals of Georgia processed 13 886.2 thousand tons of cargo, 7.5 percent less compared to the previous year. 43.3 percent of freight carried was general cargo, 31.7 percent was liquid bulk, and 25.0 percent - dry bulk.