The patient should go to court for medical negligence and compensation. When he has  a  complaint against a clinic or a specific doctor and thinks that he did not get the appropriate service, or his health was harmed, in this case the patient should submit a statement and complaint to the Ministry of Health against a medical institution and a doctor - lawyer Gvantsa Zhorzholiani said in air of the radio Commersant” commenting on the rights of the patient.

According to her, after this, the commission will begin to study the case and take appropriate measures.

“But in case of a material compensation for damage, the patient should go to court. In any case, if the patient’s rights are violated - harm to health, incorrect treatment or diagnosis, he should go to court” explains Gvantsa Zhorzholiani.

The lawyer says when a patient goes to a medical institution, he feels that he has no rights and the medical institution itself make decisions about the type of care he receives.

“Citizens have to sign too many documents out of ignorance and inexplicable reasons, and the patient feels disenfranchised. Georgia has a law on patient rights that defines the rights, duties and responsibilities the citizens have as patients. Lawyers call these rights «the patient's seven golden rules» and  patients need to be educated on them, here they are:

Every citizen of Georgia shall have the right to receive from any medical care provider the medical care that complies with professional and service standards recognised and practiced in the country.

Patients may not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, skin colour, language, sex, genetic heritage, belief and religion, political and other opinions, social status, national, ethnic or social origin, property , place of residence, illness, sexual orientation or negative personal attitude. 

Patients have the right to get comprehensive, impartial, timely and clear information about the state of their health. Sometimes people are not given information about the type of medical services provided by the clinic and finally when the patient recovers and needs to return home, they present a price list in colossal amounts. However, the law expressly requires a health care provider to educate the patient or the patient's legal representative or family member before providing the service.

Patients may choose at any time to change a medical care provider

Patients may freely approach another physician or medical institution for a second opinion.

Patients may access medical records and require that changes to the current information on the patient be made.

Patients may request copies of any part of medical records.

The patient has the right to refuse or consent to the transfer of his personal data, including medical records, to a third party, if a patient asks the clinic  to erase or delete the data, the clinic is obligated to honor the patient's request»- Gvantsa Zhorzholiani points out.