The package of legislative changes initiated in the parliament against the so-called LGBT propaganda provides for the imposition of administrative fines and criminal liability.

According to the legislative package consisting of 19 draft laws, changes are being made, including to the Administrative Offences Code and the Criminal Code.

A new article is added to both codes, entitled - "Violation of the requirements provided by the law on family values ​​and protection of minors".

The planned changes to the Administrative Offences Code envisage monetary fines in the amount of 800 to 4,000 GEL.

More specifically, the distribution of an advertisement aimed at the promotion of a person belonging to a gender different from his biological sex, a relationship expressed as a sign of sexual orientation between representatives of the same biological sex, or incest, if the person disseminating the said advertisement exercised actual control over its distribution - will lead to a fine of 800 GEL on a natural person, with confiscation of the object of the offence, and the legal entity will be fined in the amount of 2,500 GEL, with the confiscation of the object of the offence.

Providing, sharing, or making available information (including creative work) to a minor through direct communication with him, which is aimed at assigning a person to a gender different from his biological sex, promoting relationship between representatives of the same biological sex or incest, will result in a fine of 1,000 GEL for a natural person, confiscation of the object of the offence, and a fine of 3,000 GEL for a legal entity, with confiscation of the object of the offence.

Dissemination or inclusion of information in the educational program of an early education, preschool and educational institution, as well as a general educational institution/school, a vocational educational institution/college or a higher educational institution, by an employee of the said institution within the scope of the activity of this institution and on the territory of the institution, aimed at the promotion of a person's belonging to a gender different from his biological sex, sexual orientation between representatives of the same biological sex, or incest - will lead to a fine of 1,500 GEL for a natural person, confiscation of the object of the offence, and for a legal person - in the amount of 4,000 GEL, by confiscation of the object of the offence.

As for the changes planned to the Criminal Code, in this case the criminal liability for the commission of an administrative offence will be extended to the person subject to administrative punishment. The draft law envisages punishment with a fine, deprivation of the right to hold office or activity for a period of up to 3 years or imprisonment for a period of up to 2 years.

In addition, performing a surgical operation on another person for the purpose of assigning a person to a sex different from his biological sex or using another type of medical manipulation on another person shall be punished by a fine, deprivation of the right to hold a position or work for a period of up to 3 years or imprisonment for a period of 1 to 4 years. The legal entity will be fined for the said action.

The package of legislative changes prepared by the parliamentary majority has already been initiated in the parliament and will be presented at the next meeting of the bureau.