The European Council once again confirms the readiness of the Union to support the Georgian people on their European path. At the same time, it reiterates its serious concerns regarding the course of actions taken by the Georgian government, which is against the values ​​and principles on which the European Union is based, - this is stated in the conclusion published after the European Council meeting.

In the document, the European Council once again states that "such actions threaten Georgia's European path and de facto stop the accession process".

The European Council "calls on Georgia to implement democratic, comprehensive and sustainable reforms, in accordance with the main principles of European integration. The European Council will continue to closely monitor the situation".

According to the document, the European Council expects "the upcoming parliamentary elections to be free and fair, in line with international standards, with unhindered access for international and local observers."

In addition, the European Council emphasizes the need to protect free, independent and pluralistic media.

The European Council reaffirms the EU's unwavering support for Georgia's sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders. Underlines the EU's continued commitment to the peaceful resolution of conflicts and the policy of non-recognition and non-engagement.