In January 2024, taxpayers contributed GEL 1.64 billion to the state budget.

According to the State Treasury, the received amount is 31.5% of the forecast volume of the first quarter (GEL5.2 billion).

In January 2024, taxes are distributed as follows:

Value added tax - GEL 658,513,200, 38.8% of the Q1 plan;

• Income tax - GEL 656,527,400, 40.4% of the Q1 plan;

• Excise tax - 177,897,600 GEL, 39.2% of the Q1 plan;

• Profit tax - 233,802,500 GEL, 21.6% of the Q1 plan;

• Import tax - 10,996,800 GEL, 34.4% of the Q1 plan;

• Other taxes - 95,309,100 GEL, 34.4% of the Q1 plan.

In January 2024, the total state budget income amounted to GEL 1,858,648,400. Of these, state budget revenues amounted to GEL 1,846,216,700, income received from a decrease in non-financial assets amounted to GEL 289.1 thousand, GEL 137,346.3 thousand were received from a decrease in financial assets, GEL 125,203.8 thousand were received from an increase in liabilities.

State budget revenues in January 2024 (GEL 1,846,216.7 thousand) amounted to 33.3% of the forecast volume for the first quarter (GEL 5,548,210.0 thousand).