Staff lack is a very serious problem for business, we were no exception, but then we decided to increase the staff salaries by 30% and addressed the problem,” Dudu Brodzeli, Managing Partner of the Verobrand chain stores, told Commersant. According to Brodzeli, Eurobrand develops and grows every year, opens new branches and adds new brands.

“We plan to open a new branch in Rustavi on May 15, this year two more branches will be added. I refrain from specifying, one of them is set to be opened in Gori. Currently, our company has 9 branches in Georgia.

The outlet market in Georgia is a growing market, demand among consumers is also increasing, our competitive advantage is that we are the first outlet store in Georgia which offers customers various brands and thatnks to this, stays afloat in the market", - Dudu Brodzeli stresses.